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News to Use...

  • Romans 6: 15-23 is what we'll cover in this Wednesday night's Bible study.  If you can't join us, you can keep up on the RightNow Media App.  This week is Session 6 of Romans pt 1 by J.D. Greear.  (If you don't have the app, see Jo.)
  • Attention Youth Parents! Because HFC supports Go Tell Ministries, our youth can attend the student camp held at MC July 14 - 18 at the very much discounted price of $99 (usually $350).  More information will be coming soon!
  • Daylight Saving Time: Set your clock ahead one hour next Saturday night. 
  • We will NOT have Wednesday night activities on March 12 due to Spring Break.
  • Saturday, March 22, at 6:30 pm - Greater Glory Night!  This night of worship, led by our worship team, is in response to the prophetic word given by Jacquie Tyre on Sunday, Feb. 2.  
  • Hope Fellowship is blessed to be connected with many local and national ministries.  To see the list of who we support, click the "More" tab at the bottom of the app.
  • Have you downloaded the Instant Church Directory app?  If not, choose your link, IOS Link or Android Link, open the app, and create a login using the email address we have on file.  
Attendance & Giving
Week of February 23
Weekly Average, 95
Weekly Budget, $10,000
Budget Giving, $9,272.72
Weekly Average: $7,113

Pledged: $79,740
YTD Giving, $27,222
Weekly Schedule
Pre-Service Prayer, 9:15 - 10:15 am (Prayer Rm)
Worship Service, 10:30 am
Prophetic Prayer, 8 AM (Sanctuary)

Bible Study (Children, Youth & Adults), 6:30 pm