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Who Is Hope Fellowship?
- We are apostolically led and prophetically influenced.
- Jesus taught His disciples to pray, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and our role in that happening motivates and influences everything we do.
- Our desire is to provide a full spectrum of ministry for children, youth & adults.
- We are part of the Church, the ekklesia or “governing body” that Jesus said He would build. As such He has given us keys of authority to legislate through prayer and declaration what He wants to be established on earth as it is in heaven.
- We are calling God's people to advance His Kingdom by declaration and demonstration in their sphere of influence.
- As we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in reality, we make the manifest presence of King Jesus our supreme value and pursuit.
- God is good all the time and good things happen more in His manifest presence than anywhere else. Therefore when we gather we encourage the full range of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to take the opportunity to contend for the Kingdom realities of healing, miracles, signs & wonders.