David & Jo Hertel
David & Jo are the Senior Leaders of Hope Fellowship. David grew up in a Catholic home and was saved at the age of 20. The Lord led David through his "School of the Spirit" by going to conferences, Brownsville Revival services, reading books and listening to cassette tapes (that came from a wide section of the Body of Christ), all while working full time and serving and leading in both denominational & non-denominational ministries before stepping out to plant HFC in 2006. David sees things through the lens of an apostle and is passionate to see revival and reformation in this country. Jo is administrative and serves as the Director of Church Life.

Dan & Trisha Blacksher
Dan handles the financial side of things at HFC and functions as a prophet to not only this body, but to others across the nation. He leads the Prophetic Prayer on Tuesday mornings and is also passionate to see the Lord move in our nation. Trisha serves as our Children's Director. She is passionate about seeing the children of Hope have a living relationship with Jesus and learn to hear His voice at a young age.

Bobby & ginger Ford
Bobby and Ginger serve in a couple roles. Bobby serves as our Worship Leader, and his passion for music has been there since before he was saved. He loves leading the Worship Team and encourages the development of the giftings within each team member. Ginger is a vital part of the Worship Team in that she leads the ProPresenter team so that we have the song lyrics and any other media needed during the service readily available.
Bobby's other passions is Youth, and Ginger is right beside him in that ministry as well. Both are a blessing to the HFC body.
Bobby's other passions is Youth, and Ginger is right beside him in that ministry as well. Both are a blessing to the HFC body.