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Healing Confessions

Bones & Joints

  1. I speak to the bones and joints of my body.  I call you normal in Jesus name.  My bones and joints will not respond to any disease; for the Spirit of life permeates every bone and joint of my body with life and health.  1 Peter 2:24
  2. The same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead lives in me, permeating every bone and joint of my body with life, health and strength.  I command my bones to produce perfect marrow in Jesus name. Romans 8:11
  3. I decree I have full agility, flexibility and mobility in my joints and body in Jesus name.
  4. Chronic inflammation you have no place, power or authority in my body.  My joints are healthy and whole in Jesus' name.
  5. Thank you Lord that you continually guide me, satisfy my soul during dry times, and strengthen my bones so that I flourish like a well watered garden. Is 58:11