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Healing Confessions

Cardiovascular System

  1. In Jesus Name I speak to my circulatory system.  My extremities receive the proper flow of blood and fluids to promote and maintain health.  My circulatory system will not allow any abnormal swelling or blockage to my extremities or vital organs. (Mark 11:23)
  2. Thank you, Father I have a strong heart.  My heart beats with the rhythm of Life.  My blood flows to every cell of my body, restoring life and health abundantly. (Proverbs 12:14, 14:30)
  3. My arteries will not shrink or become clogged in Jesus name.  Arteries, you are clean and elastic and function properly as God created you to function.
  4. I speak to my blood pressure in the name of Jesus.  I command my blood pressure to normalize at 120/80 or better; and without the aid of medication.