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Over our Nation

  • We declare the LIAR, LIAR show becomes history as the Lord's avalanche comes in and displaces it! In the authority of Jesus' name, we pull down the barriers of hell and of man with our divine weapons of warfare that are mighty in God. We uproot lying spirits and spirits of deception in the White House! We cancel and uproot the decrees, theories, and arguments that have promoted social dementia.
  • We overthrow evil ideologies that have become rooted in our culture and the culture of our government. We refute them with the truth of “It is written.” 
  • We rebuke the mass confusion and the mindsets of demons that have become rooted in our education system, media, government and the White House, and in those even in the church that have allowed their conscience to be seared.
  • We declare the confusion of the confused will demolish their own evil agendas. In Jesus' name, we bind hellish councils meeting in the boardrooms of America and declare the demon thoughts coming from deranged minds will come to nothing but the useless conversation of aimless babble.
  • We declare the world will now see the power displays of the might of the Lord as the barriers built to hide iniquity are removed and the LIARS, LIARS LIVE PERFORMANCE comes to an end. It closes down under the force of the avalanche of the increase and advancement of the kingdom of King Jesus!
  • We declare the Lord's avalanche is coming! His avalanche is coming! Change is coming in a landslide and is overthrowing the hidden agendas against the Anointed One and His plans for America.
  • Lord Jesus, we ask you to shake the seven mountains, mountain! Shake it as You did Paul and Silas's prison so that chains fall off, prison doors swing open, and even the jailers get saved. We declare the enemies of the Lord will be swept away or buried by the King's supernatural avalanche with divine intervention and deliverance for His people and America so that it is saved unto its destiny to be one nation under God and to send the Gospel of the Kingdom to every land & people!